Today I found something new for me from here, this is about thing concerning to css, javascript, and other snip code. According the source and the developer, snippely is;
A basic text and code organizational tool. Instead of storing bits of code, quick notes, and memos in text files all over your hard drive, this application will let you save and organize "snippets" in one convenient location. A snippet is a collection of one or more pieces of code and notes. Snippets are stored in groups for organization and quick retrieval.
A snippet is composed of a title, description, and one or more 'snips'. You can add any number of note and code snips in a variety of different languages (more to be added). When not being edited, the snip will be syntax highlighted according to the language selected. Snips are also sortable so you can organize your snippet however you want. Since everything is saved to a local database as you work, there's no need to worry about pressing the save button or submitting a form.
This snippely has two files format to download; .air and .zip. I think is good to download both of them first to see what is it and how it works to support my hobby to hack blogspot template.
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